Cake Batter Muddy Buddies
Cake Batter Muddy Buddies are fun to make with the kids and even easier to eat! It’s Rice or Corn Chex covered in almond bark and tossed in powdered sugar, sprinkles, and cake mix.
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I have a hard time saying no. You know when you’re at the grocery store checking out and they ask if you want to donate money to a charity, I can’t say no. Even though sometimes it’s my third trip to the store that day (I always seem to forget one thing on my list).
Although we donate through our church, I feel like I get a judgemental stare from the checker if I say no. Like as she’s scanning she’s subconsciously thinking, “Look at this girl, buying all these groceries and she can’t give $3 to those in need?” So, I just avoid it all together and say yes every time.

But it doesn’t stop there.
“Do you want to buy five boxes of Girl Scout cookies?” Yes.
“Will you watch my five kids for the weekend (when I’m nine months pregnant)?” Sure.
“Can you make 400 cookies for the school fundraiser?” No problem.
It’s like I literally can’t control the words from coming out of my mouth.
And honestly, I don’t mind saying yes half the time – especially the Girl Scout cookie part. But the other half, I probably need to take a moment and evaluate what’s realistic and what will make me lose my every lovin’ mind.
I really tried not to make these cake batter muddy buddies.
I really wanted to say NO to these.
Last time I spent all day in the kitchen coming up with something cake batter flavored – these Cake Batter Truffles, I earned myself a month in the gym and was literally sick from taste testing trying to get it all just right. I knew these Cake Batter Muddy Buddies would be just as addicting.
I couldn’t stop thinking about how I needed these. Yes, I’m glad I did. Yes, because they really are fabulous.
My grocery store only sells Almond bark around Christmas, but both Target and Walmart had it by their chocolate chips. You’ll want to add the sprinkles here when you add your almond bark so they stick to the cereal.
My only issue with this recipe was that I had a TON of cake mix/powdered sugar left over. So the only logical thing was to make another batch. I adjusted the measurements in the recipe below for one batch. But just in case you want to double it, one box of Rice Chex happens to be just enough for a double batch.

- Cake Mix Red Velvet Cinnamon Rolls
- Cake Batter Blondies
- Carrot Cake
- Strawberry Chocolate Chip Oreos
- Chocolate Ooey Gooey Butter Cookies

Cake Batter Muddy Buddies
- 5 cups Rice or Corn Chex cereal
- 10 ounces vanilla flavored Almond Bark or vanilla candy coating (like CandiQuik found at Walmart and Target)
- 3/4 cup yellow cake mix
- 1/4 cup powdered sugar
- colored sprinkles
- Pour 5 cups of Chex Cereal into a large bowl.
- Melt Almond Bark according to the package directions.
- Pour Almond Bark over cereal, stirring and folding until the cereal is completely covered. Generously shake sprinkles over mixture and fold them in as well. so they stick to the Almond Bark.
- In a large bag or covered container such as Tupperware, put cake mix and powdered sugar and shake to mix evenly.
- Pour the Almond Bark covered cereal into the large bag or container containing cake mix and powdered sugar. Seal the bag or container and shake until all the cereal is coated with the powdered mixture.
- Discard excess powder and enjoy!
Only make these if you want to eat the entire batch by yourself in like 3 days 😂 🤤 😅
Ha true!
I just want to recommend heat treating the cake mix before using it in your recipe. Uncooked flour can harbor bacteria and it needs to be heated to 165 degrees to make sure it is safe to eat. ♥️
Yes that’s a good idea.
How do you heat treat the cake mix? I haven’t heard of that before.
These look amazing and I am going to make them for a family’s birthday party. How do you store them and for how long? Thank you so much.
I made this for the 4th, but my boys liked it so much, I kept it at home and didn’t take it to the in-laws so they wouldn’t have to share it! LOL! They’re 21 and 19….
Haha. I’m so glad the “Boys” liked it.
About the donations. I always say no. I send my charity donations to organizations that mean something to me personally. My conscience is clear on that front. Plus those big companies typically “match” their customers donations so they get a giant tax break but only donate half of the funding they get credit for. That doesn’t sit well with me. If a cashier has issue with that I will happily explain to them or their manager that their pressure tactics are unwelcome and why. Oh! The muddy buddies look delicious! My kids will go crazy for them.
Haha. I agree. Thanks for making me feel better.
oh my, lordy mercy, these are the real deal. I thought school fuel Chex Mix was the bomb… This is going in everybody’s Easter basket!
Thanks! I love them too.
Just had to tell you that you & this recipe made me mom of the year in my son’s 2nd grade class. There is a student with celiac disease so I used gf cake mix, gf sprinkles & Wilton candy melts (which his mom assured me was gf). I melted the candy melts at school & dumped them in with the chex & cake mix & sprinkles & passed it around the class to shake (in a covered Tupperware container). The kids were ka-razy about it & loved that they got to “help”. You really made a bunch of people happy. Thanks
Oh that story makes me so happy. Thank you so much for sharing it with me!!!
Has anyone ever tried using the Vanilla Chex? I’m making this recipe this weekend and I’m curious to know if the vanilla Chex worked or would be good?
I think the vanilla Chex would be awesome. I’ve never tried it though.
I made this today for my son’s first birthday party on Saturday. (Not for him to eat though!). He is having a puppy themed party, so I thought birthday cake puppy chow would be perfect!
I made it with white chocolate because that was all I could find and it turned out great, in case anyone was wondering!
I was just looking in the replies to see if it would work with white chocolate. I like that better than almond bark. Thank you for posting!!!
Made these today, SO GOOD!! Fortunately I’m giving them out as holiday treats, so I don’t stuff my face with the whole bag. I found some ‘colorburst’ almond barkat Wal Mart, which really looks nice!
Wow! I haven’t seen the Colorburst almond bark. How cool?
Just discovered your website today. After see just 3 recipes I’ve already added you to my favorites!
I just made these to bring to our baseball tourney tomorrow. The kids are going to love them! I can’t leave it alone!!! Thanks for sharing!!
I was super excited to try this recipe, but it’s not quite flavorful enough for me. It’s definitely sweet, but doesn’t taste a ton like cake batter. Maybe it was just the cake mix I used (Betty Crocker Yellow Cake). Definitely not a bad recipe, just don’t expect something super sweet and cake batter-y!
Sorry you felt that way!
Try using funfetti cake mix!
I have used your recipe twice and it’s great! I posted about it today on my blog. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
You are awesome. I am not sure what you do in your spare time but you should be a journalist!! lol I NEVER read articles on websites or blogs, I always cut the chase and get straight to the point of the reason why I came to the site in the first place. I can tell by your writing that you have a very colorful personality! Thanks for the recipe and photos. I’m sure the kids and hubby will love this!
I am going to be the most popular person in my office tomorrow when (and if) these make it to my office! Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe. Christy
Since I used white chocolate chips I added 3/4 c. butter, the whole box of cake mix and 1 c. powdered sugar and of course the whole box of Chex. The kids loved it and it was heavy and nice like the one you buy in the store.
Love, love, love this new take on classic muddy buddies… Now, because of you, I’m going to be exploring other flavor options. My waistline is not going to love you, but I do! Thanks for all of your great recipes, funny stories and beautiful photos!
Great, tasty recipe. I featured you in my blog.
Great, tasty recipe. I featured you in my blog.
Sooooo I just made these tonight and they are LIFE CHANGING!!
It’s going to be really bad though because I clearly cannot control myself with these!
Thanks SO MUCH for posting!
nice post. thank you sir. i have also a web site about food recipe. if you can give me advice.
new to the blog! I’ve got several things bookmarked, and this was the first recipe i tried. I made a double batch and absolutely LOVE this. I couldn’t stop eating it! I’ll be making it again for an upcoming baby shower, and many many many more times. Can’t wait to try more of your recipes!
Made this for my daughter’s 7th b-day party. We loved it. This one’s going in my recipe box.
Here’s a recipe to use up all your leftover cake mix…
These look amazing! I will be trying these soon!
I just made these with the vanilla flavored candy melts and they worked perfectly, except that I didn’t have any powder left over… maybe it’s a little more sticky? The kids and I are loving them, thanks!!
So quick and easy! I’m eating it almost as fast as I made it! Soooo good!!!
I followed the directions to the t and these were amazing. Best part is it is only 5 minute prep time. My new go to dessert! Thank you!
I didn’t have any Chex Mix or almond bark so I used Kix & Nestle Premier White Chocolate Morsels. It turned out great!!!
Made this today for a food day at work tomorrow. It tastes amazing! I made a double batch just so I could use up the whole box of Chex.
Loved this! Glad I have friends to make it for me!
I made these tonight for a girls group. They were a huge hit! My grocery store didn’t have the almond bark so I used white chocolate chips and thinned it out with some cream and added a little of almond extract. It worked great!
I subbed carrotcake mix and it was super yummy!
Hey! I am the girl who eats everything! haha i am new to your blog and I love it! beautiful photography also! and what is it about cake batter that makes it so amazing? I am having an obession with it right now!
OH MY GOSH. I made these last night with my mom and sister. you are right. They are to die for. Also extremely easy 🙂 Thank you trying them out first!!
great snack!! just came across your blog..really nice
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Lol I have been over looking this post in my reader bc I knew once I opened I would have to have some. Darn you!
Just made these…woah are they sweet! But I love anything cake batter so thanks for the idea.
what a fun idea! I never would have thought to do this, but now I can’t wait to try it! 🙂
YUM! Can’t wait to try these. Fun Easter treat!
Christy! I can’t say no either. If I do, I feel like whoever or whatever I said no to, will haunt me for the next couple days and even give me nightmares. It’s really bad! And the looks I get when asked to donate to the poor kids in another country, wow. I can never say no. :/
Lissa and jenn,
I think that white chocolate would work but it is thicker even when it melts so it might take a little more effort to coat the cereal. It also has a lower melting point so be careful not get it too hot or it will seize.
I posted this back in December. So Very Blessed and I must be sharing brainwaves. 😉 We think it tastes like those pink and white mother’s cookies.
OMG! I CAN NOT wait to make these! We loovvvvvve Muddy Buddies in my house and I have been obnoxiously obsessed with cake batter flavored treats lately!
These sound great! What a unique take on a classic recipe.
I have a child with a nut allergy too. I was thinking maybe just to try some white chocolate instead.
Know this comment is 10 years ago…but almond bark doesn’t have almonds in it. Or nuts of any kind. It gets its name because it was a confection used to coat almonds. It’s very similar to white chocolate but instead of cocoa butter it has vegetable oils. It doesn’t even have any almond flavor or almond extract.
Do you think white chocolate would be a good replacement for the almond bark? My son is allergic (so the poor can’t ever even taste the real stuff with peanut butter).
I have never made the muddy buddies, but kept seeing this all over pinterest also. I give in, I will be making these for my grand daughter, of course my grown sons and hubby will like it also. Gotta go add some things to my grocery list.
NO habia visto esta receta nunca. Es genial, pero aqui en España no se lo que son la mitad de las cosas. Van 100 años luz por delante de nosotros en reposteria. Saludos
I seriously can not wait to make these! As always you have the best food ideas!
Love puppy chow and can only imagine how much better this would be. I think you need a new section: “Cookie Dough Recipes”
These sound great, and really easy, too! Thanks!
And your little helper looks soooo determined to shake it up just right! Sweet!
Those look so awesome! I definitely know when to say no, especially if babysitting is involved 😉
My Jeans are very sorry I found this post! I can’t wait to try these.
I’ve seen these all over pinterest too and have been avoiding them like the plague, for the same reasons you had. But gosh it looks so good!
I think the candy melts would work but the almond barks melts down a little better and tastes better in my opinion.
I need these in my life YESTERDAY!!!
I’m a sucker for cake batter anything..seriously.
Rice Chex were just added to the grocery list…
I’m a sucker for cake batter anything..seriously.
Rice Chex were just added to the grocery list…
If you can’t find Almond bark, it probably would work if you used the melting candy that they have in the cake decorating section in the craft stores like Hobby Lobby and Michael’s, don’t you think?
Looks addictive.
Sounds so good! Thanks for sharing 🙂