The Girl Who Ate Everything Cookbook

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I have a big announcement today. For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been writing a cookbook and it will be out September 9th! Ahhh. I can’t tell you how surreal this is. First of all, remember little ol’ me who gets nervous when someone tells me they made one of my recipes. Now I have a whole cookbook full of recipes to get shy over. This book was a serious labor of love. Lots of blood, sweat, and calories went into this book. I like to call it my 6th child. I started it in July of 2013 and spent six months literally every day in the kitchen cooking and photographing each recipe.

There were lots of learning curves in the whole cookbook development process. The timing happened to be in a crazy time in my life. I had just given birth to my 5th child and my husband entered his busy season of the year at work pretty much making me a single mom until January. I was also dealing with postpartum depression for the first time. That really could be an entire post by itself. I’m happy to say that I made it through. At times the stressful situation got to me. But I’ve always known that cooking is my happy place and therapeutic to me in so many ways. It saved me. For that I am so grateful. Except for the dishes. Those I could do without.

My cookbook has over 100 recipes: 90 brand new recipes and 10 favorites from the blog. Each recipe has a photo of the finished dish because that’s what I personally look for in a cookbook. It’s full of family recipes and other recipes brainstormed while I was running. From Pizza Stuffed Mushrooms to S’mores Cookie Cups, I promise you will find something you love. The Girl Who Ate Everything Cookbook is sold at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Books and Things, and Costco stores! It is also available on ITunes, Nook, and Kindle.

I have you guys to thank for pushing me out of my comfort zone and for supporting me along the way. I feel like I’ve found friends that love food as much as I do. Thank you so much to those of you who have already ordered my book! It means the world to me. Even though my shyness makes me want to hide in a corner, please know that I never take for granted the opportunity I have been given. Thank you.

Feel free to follow me on Facebook and Instagram for updates on appearances and signings for My Cookbook in your area.

Scheduled Signings:

Costco (Davie, FL) September 13: 12:00-2:00pm

Costco (Pembroke Pines, FL) September 27: 12:00-2:00pm

You can order my cookbook HERE:


Barnes and Noble

Here’s a little sneak peek of some recipes in the book:

S'mores Cookie Cups | The Girl Who Ate Everything Cookbook

S’mores Cookie Cups

Pasta Milano | The Girl Who Ate Everything Cookbook

Pasta Milano

Cinnamon Roll Sheet Cake | The Girl Who Ate Everything CookbookCinnamon Roll Sheet Cake

Cheeseburger Pizza Balls | The Girl Who Ate Everything Cookbook

Cheeseburger Pizza Balls

Anitpasto Cups | The Girl Who Ate Everything Cookbook Antipasto Cups

Snickerdoodle Muffins | The Girl Who Ate Everything Cookbook

Snickerdoodle Muffins

Juicy Beef Tenderloin | The Girl Who Ate Everything Cookbook

Juicy Beef Tenderloin